The thermodynamics of coupled frustrated ferromagnetic chains is studied within a spin-rotationinvariant Green's function approach. We consider an isotropic Heisenberg spin-half system with a ferromagnetic in-chain coupling J1 < 0 between nearest neighbors and a frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor in-chain coupling J2 > 0. We focus on moderate strength of frustration J2 < |J1|/4 such that the in-chain spin-spin correlations are predominantly ferromagnetic. We consider two inter-chain couplings (ICs) J ⊥,y and J ⊥,z , corresponding to the two axis perpendicular to the chain, where ferromagnetic as well as antiferromagnetic ICs are taken into account. We discuss the influence of frustration on the ground-state properties for antiferromagnetic ICs, where the ground state is of quantum nature. The major part of our study is devoted to the finitetemperature properties. We calculate the critical temperature Tc as a function of the competing exchange couplings J2, J ⊥,y , J ⊥,z . We find that for fixed ICs Tc monotonically decreases with increasing frustration J2, where as J2 → |J1|/4 the Tc(J2)-curve drops down rapidly. To characterize the magnetic ordering below and above Tc we calculate the spin-spin correlation functions S0SR , the magnetic order parameter M , the uniform static susceptibility χ0 as well as the correlation length ξ. Moreover, we discuss the specific heat CV and the temperature dependence of the excitation spectrum ωq. As J2 → |J1|/4 some unusual frustration-induced features were found, such as an increase of the in-chain spin stiffness (in case of ferromagnetic ICs) or of the in-chain spin-wave velocity (in case of antiferromagnetic ICs) with growing temperature.