The phase diagram of NdFe 1−x Co x AsO for low cobalt substitution consists of a superconducting dome ͑0.05Ͻ x Ͻ 0.20͒ with a maximum critical temperature of 16.5͑2͒ K for x = 0.12. The x = 1 end member, NdCoAsO, is an itinerant ferromagnet ͑T C =85 K͒ with an ordered moment of 0.30͑1͒ B at 15 K. Below T N = 9 K, Nd spin ordering results in the antiferromagnetic coupling of the existing ferromagnetic planes. Rietveld analysis reveals that the electronically important twofold tetrahedral angle increases from 111.4°to 115.7°in this series. Underdoped samples with x = 0.046͑2͒ and x = 0.065͑2͒ show distortions to the orthorhombic Cmma structure at 72͑2͒ and 64͑2͒ K, respectively. The temperature dependences of the critical fields H c2 ͑T͒ near T c are linear with almost identical slopes of 2.3͑1͒ T K −1 for x = 0.065͑2͒, x = 0.118͑2͒, and x = 0.172͑2͒. The estimated critical field H c2 ͑0͒ and correlation length for optimally doped samples are 26͑1͒ T and 36͑1͒ Å. A comparison of the maximum reported critical temperatures of well-characterized cobalt-doped 122-and 1111-type superconductors is presented.