We explore computationally tractable deformations of the SYK model. The deformed theories are described by the sum of two SYK Hamiltonians with differing numbers, q and $$ \overset{\sim }{q} $$
, of interacting fermions. In the large N limit, employing analytic and numerical tools, we compute finite temperature correlation functions and thermodynamic quantities. We identify a novel analytically solvable model in the large q limit. We find that, under certain circumstances, the thermal RG flow in the strongly coupled infrared phase exhibits two regions of linear-in-temperature entropy, which we interpret in terms of Schwarzian actions. Using conformal perturbation theory we compute the leading relevant correction away from the intermediate near-conformal fixed point. Holographic spacetimes in two spacetime dimensions that reproduce the thermodynamics of the microphysical theory are discussed. These are flow geometries that interpolate between two Euclidean near-AdS2 spacetimes with different radii. The Schwarzian soft mode corresponding to the AdS2 region in the deep interior resides entirely within the geometric regime.