IntroductionIt is well known that electrostatic interaction between oppositely charged macromolecules leads to the formation of interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPECs) [1]. Such macromolecular assemblies are predominantly stabilized by a cooperative system of interpolymer salt bonds although other intermacromolecular interactions, for example, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, charge-transfer interactions, and van der Waals forces, can also play a signi®cant role. The structure and properties of IPECs are determined by a number of factors: the characteristics of the polyelectrolyte components (e.g., nature of ionic groups, degree of polymerization, charge density, etc.) and their concentrations, the ratio between amounts of oppositely charged groups of polyelectrolytes, the conditions of the surrounding medium (e.g., ionic strength, pH, temperAbstract Colloidal dispersions of an interpolyelectrolyte complex were prepared by mixing dilute aqueous solutions of poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) and the sodium salt of the alternating copolymer of maleic acid propene in amounts providing about a threefold excess of the charged groups of the cationic polyelectrolyte over those of the anionic polyelectrolyte. These dispersions were examined by means of analytical sedimentation, quasielastic light scattering, and laser Doppler microelectrophoresis. The experimental results obtained suggest that the particles of the interpolyelectrolyte complex are multicomplex aggregates bearing cationic charge. Such aggregates were assumed to consist of a hydrophobic core formed by coupled oppositely charged macromolecules and a hydrophilic shell formed by cationic macromolecules. Hydrodynamic and electrophoretic properties of these aggregates were found to be rather sensitive to variations in the ionic strength of the surrounding medium: with rising salt concentration, their sedimentation coecient and hydrodynamic size increase, these increases becoming more strongly pronounced at higher salt concentrations, whereas their electrophoretic mobility gradually decreases. The salt eects revealed suggest that the aggregation level of the particles of the interpolyelectrolyte complex rises in response to an increase in the ionic strength of the surrounding medium. This phenomenon was associated with the salt-induced decrease of the stabilizing eect of the hydrophilic shells that protect such particles from progressive aggregation.