Apolipoprotein B 3 0 (3 0 ApoB) minisatellite polymorphism was studied in healthy unrelated individuals from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, in 10 populations from five ethnic groups: Russians, Byelorussians, Adygeis, Kalmyks and Yakuts. The analysis was carried out using PCR and electrophoresis followed by silver staining. Overall, 25 alleles of the 3 0 ApoB minisatellite, ranging from 25 to 55 repeats, were detected. Heterozygosity indices were high and varied from 0.73 to 0.84. The distributions of alleles of this minisatellite in the Caucasoid populations (Russians, Byelorussians and Adygeis) had a bimodal character, whereas that for Mongoloid populations (Kalmyks and Yakuts) had a unimodal distribution. Nei's genetic distances between the populations studied and some reference populations of Europe and Asia were estimated. Despite their allele distribution homogeneity, different East Slavonic ethnic groups were clearly resolved by multidimensional analyses. The East Slavonic and Adygei populations revealed a high similarity with European Caucasoids. The Mongoloid populations (Kalmyks and Yakuts) were considerably different from those of the European Caucasoid populations, but were similar to other Asian Mongoloid populations. The results demonstrate the variability of 3 0 ApoB minisatellite polymorphism not only in distant populations but also, to a certain extent, in genetically relative ones.