Predicting time series data in the electricity domain serves as a fundamental basis for implementing Demand Response (DR) techniques in smart grid networks, a topic widely addressed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a flexible deep learning approach based on the encoder-decoder architecture for simultaneous prediction of both load and electricity price. The ability of the model to capture long-term dependencies and extract meaningful patterns from the data is crucial for its effectiveness. To enhance this capability, we incorporate a scaled attention mechanism into the model to attend over the hidden encoder outputs, enabling better capture of relevant information. Additionally, we introduce a preprocessing step using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to extract frequency-domain features from the input data. By applying FFT at the beginning of the proposed model in the encoder section, we aim to better capture the underlying patterns in the data and facilitate the learning process. It is worth noting that while FFT is utilized for preprocessing, the decoder section of the model operates directly on the original data without employing inverse FFT, ensuring data integrity and preventing information leakage. The proposed model is trained and evaluated on [38] data and compared with several deep learning approaches, demonstrating improved prediction accuracy in all cases. This work contributes to the field by presenting a novel approach that effectively leverages both attention mechanisms and Fourier domain preprocessing for enhanced time series prediction in the electricity domain.