Music education today seeks to respond to the changing demands of 21st century learners (Portowitz et al. (2014). Today's music educators face a great challenge how best to take advantage of the digital music technology in music education, involving students with different musical backgrounds, with the different readiness of music technology and how digital music technology can be used in different learning environments. Blended learning provides solutions on how to create e-learning environments and how to make them useful for students as well as teachers. The teaching in this project, is based on the idea of community of inquiry (CoI) introduced by Garrison (2017) and the research at hand asks what kind of possibilities will the community of inquiry framework offer in student teachers' music education in the blended learning environment. The data consist of 19 students' written communications with the teacher. The analysis started as data-based, by searching to find out what the data tells us, then continued as theory-guided content analysis. Referring to Dana and Dumez (2015) and using both inductive and, to some extent, deductive approaches, this study's research strategy followed the logic of content analysis. The analysis is completed as theory-guided content analysis (Krippendorff, 2004). The methodological approach is mainly qualitative and constructive, which allows for an open-ended view of the data and even unexpected results (Kasanen et al., 1993). This research reveals that in studying music in the blended learning environment from the perspective of community of inquiry, there are students who are knowledgeable, students who have sight-reading problems, students who notice the progress of one's playing skills, students who do not give up and students who have ability to face challenges.