A determination of the atom polarization of 1,4-benzoquinone from low-frequency infrared absorptions does not confirm the results of Becker and Charney. Therefore the total polarization of this substance must partly be due to orientation of a dipole. Also tetracyanoethylene and tetracyanoquinodi111etl1a11e seem to have appreciable dipole moments although they both have abnormally high distortion polarization.In the gaseous state ( I ) and in solution (2) the total polarization (P, = Po + P, + P A ) of 1,4-benzoquinone has been found to about 37 cc, thus exceeding the electronic polarization (P,) by about 6 cc. Originally (1) this difference was ascribed to abnormally high atom polarizations, an assignment in lieu of orientation polarization ( P o ) which seemingly Ilas been confirmed by observations that microwave absorptions (3, 4) are insufficient to account for a dipole moment and by absence of a negative Kerr effect (5). >lost recently, optical dispersion theory (3, 5 ) has been applied by Beclcer and Charney (6) to the estimation of atoll1 polarization (PA) by calculation froin absorption spectra of 1 ,4-benzoquinone in the 1700 to 50 cin-I region. According to these worlcers the 6 cc difference between total polarization and electronic polarization is accounted largely in terms of this calculation as P A .On the other hand, some studies in this laboratory show that the atom polarization of benzoquinone does not exceed a few percent of the electronic polarization (2). i\4oreover, the total polarizations are both solvent and temperature dependent, and the polarizationternperature plots for several solvents intersect a t the value of 37.6 cc, very close to the value obtained ( I ) from the gaseous state (36 cc) when the latter is extrapolated to lower temperature. Such behavior is presumptive of orientation polarization due to a dipole moment rather than to atom polarization, which ought to be, and has in general been found to be (7), temperature independent.In view of the conflicting opinions in several laboratories we have elected to repeat with benzoquinone our direct deterinination of distortion polarization (P, = P, + P A ) . This analysis is effected by capacitance ineasurements in respect of air on wafers of the solid substance finely ground for random particle orientation and con~pressed to maximum density. Because of the edge effect coinrnon to capacitors of this diameter (about 0.25 in.) a series of different thiclcnesses is ineasured and the apparent dielectric constants, if they are linearly related, are extrapolated to zero thickness. The original value for this extrapolation (2) was 30.1 cc. Our new value derived with more precise equipment is 31.4 cc. This revised value for PD does not vitiate our conclusion about the polarization of benzoquinone. However, the value of PA included in it will depend upon the choice of P, which is subtracted.