Data on the mineralization, areal geology, structure, stratigraphy, sedimentary facies, petrology, trace-element geochemistry, and aeromagnetic and gravity patterns of the Rolla I°x2° quadrangle have been integrated to provide a basis for a September 1980 appraisal of the metallic mineralresource potential of the quadrangle. The appraisal method consisted of six steps:(1) Compilation of geologic, lithofacies, geochemical, and geophysical maps of the quadrangle to identify the known and inferred geologic environments present.(2) Determination of types of mineral deposits that could reasonably be expected to occur in the quadrangle on the basis of favorable geologic environments and known mineral occurrences.(3) Development of conceptual, descriptive models of the various geologic parameters that characterize these mineral-deposit types.(4) From each descriptive model, derivation of diagnostic and permissive "recognition criteria" for the occurrence or non-occurrence of that type of mineral deposit. Diagnostic criteria are those that are associated with all or nearly all known deposits and generally may be considered to be requisite to the presence of a deposit. Permissive criteria are those that are associated with enough known deposits that they may be considered to favor the presence of a deposit, although they are not required. manganese in Precambrian and sedimentary rocks, and marcasite-pyrite-hematite, residual iron, and copper deposits in sedimentary rocks, but such deposits would not be commercial in the near future because of their small size and (or) unfavorable mineralogy. The quadrangle has low potential for coastal plain-type uranium deposits, base and precious metals in Precambrian quartz veins, and massive sulfide deposits.