The parameters determining the set state current and reset voltage, determined by the strength of formed filaments, were examined using current pulse and voltage driven current-voltage ͑I-V͒ sweeps. In the pulse switching measurement, the total current flow, including overshooting noise effect at the moment of set switching, was found to determine the strength of the filament. Displacing the capacitive charge dissipation peak from the overshoot region by a longer pulse rising time was effective in reducing the random variations in the switching parameters. A smaller voltage step in the I-V sweep was effective in reducing the random variation in filament formation.Resistance switching ͑RS͒ phenomena in a variety of thin-film materials have recently attracted considerable attention for applications to the next generation of nonvolatile memory devices. 1-3 The unipolar RS proceeds by applying the same bias polarity and has been understood from the formation and rupture of the percolated conduction channels ͓conducting filaments ͑CFs͔͒ in several binary oxides, e.g., TiO 2 and NiO. 2,3 In the filamentary RS, improvement of the switching uniformity should be accomplished for memory device fabrication. One of the reasons for the nonuniform RS comes from the random nature of filament formation. Filament formation, accompanied by oxygen ion movement in most cases, is a very disordered process. [4][5][6] This results in the fluctuations of various switching parameters, such as the switching voltage and on and off currents. The other reason originated from the distortion of the stimulus signal for initiating RS. In pulse switching, input pulse distortion by the overshoot effect due to a short pulse rising time can cause a nonuniform RS. This article reports a method to overcome the overshoot effect on the set switching by using a current pulse with a longer rising time. In addition, in the voltage sweep switching, which is another common switching method, a smaller voltage step during the set switching reduced the random variation significantly.The preparation of a Pt/60 nm thick TiO 2 /Pt structured sample and a method for the RS of the sample are reported in detail elsewhere. 7,8 A current pulse pattern generator ͑PG, HP/Agilent 81110A͒ with various pulse rising ͑also falling͒ times ͑t r ͒ was used as a current pulse source for the first type of set switching experiments. The transient current at the moment of set switching using the PG was monitored using a digital oscilloscope ͑OSC, Tektronix 684C͒. For this current monitoring, the internal resistance of PG was set to 1 k⍀. The PG was programmed to obtain a peak current of 50 mA at the OSC considering the on-state resistance of the sample ͑ ϳ15 ⍀͒ and the internal resistance of the OSC ͑50 ⍀͒. A schematic diagram for the pulse switching setup is shown in the inset of Fig. 1f. Here, the monitored voltage in OSC ͑V R ͒ was converted into the sample current using the resistance of the OSC. For the second type of set switching experiments, a semiconductor parameter analyze...