To accelerate the land registration process, Ministry of ATR/BPN of Indonesia instructed to use the photogrammetric method in the Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) started in 2023, stated in the PTSL technical instructions (JUKNIS) 2023 and 2024. Mapping of land parcels on PTSL carried out by digitizing orthophoto by community participation with additional measurements of land parcels that cannot be identified on orthophoto using GNSS RTK, which is an efficient measurement method that can measures high quantity coordinates within centimeter accuracy in a short duration. Banjarnegara Land Office, an office under ATR/BPN which in 2023 carried out PTSL project in accordance with JUKNIS, on the Kemiri and Karangmangu villages, Sigaluh District. The villages located next to each other, have varied topographic with tall and dense vegetation which can greatly influences the process and accuracy of land parcels mapping with photogrammetric method and measurements using the RTK method. In this research, an analysis will be carried out to determine the accuracy suitability of land parcel mapping and measurement based on JUKNIS in the area with varied topography and dense vegetation. This research shows that the mapping and measurement of land parcels as per JUKNIS and other regulations is satisfactory. The orthophoto map’s CE90 and LE90 accuracy is 0.281 meters and 0.673 meters, respectively, with the accuracy variability influenced by GCP coordinates quality and geometry. All digitized land parcel samples achieved planimetric accuracy standards (100%). And the RTK usage still suitable with 98.756% points that met the tolerance, but the accuracy is still affected with vegetation.