“…Given the overall low uplift rates reported for many of the other California Channel Islands (Muhs et al 2012(Muhs et al , 2014a, it is hypothesized that low-elevation terraces on SBI, ANA, and Santa Cruz Island likely date to some part of the LIG complex, MIS 5. It is further hypothesized that given the previous studies showing a complex history of MIS 5.5, 5.3, and 5.1 (equivalent to MIS 5e, 5c, and 5a, respectively, of Shackleton and Opdyke 1973) as seen in the marine terrace record elsewhere on the California coast (Muhs et al 2002a(Muhs et al , 2012(Muhs et al , 2014a(Muhs et al , 2014b, there could be a similarly complex history recorded in the terraces and their fossils on these small islands. To test these hypotheses in the present effort, field and laboratory studies were conducted, including terrace mapping and elevation measurements, geochronology of fossils from the terraces, and paleontology and paleozoogeography of the fossil assemblages.…”