These calculated CV's were then empirically correlated by the relationship 0.7 m A(CV) = 19.5 [ & I where A(CV) = 51.7 -CV. Figure 5 illustrates the excellent fit of this empirical correlation to the calculated CV values.Equation 29 enables a consistent set of parameters q and m to be chosen to simulate a given amount of breakage, as given by the CV from an experimental CSD. Thus, if the level of breakage, y, were independently determined, Equation 29 would permit the selection of a consistent value of m giving the same effect on the CV as measured experimentally. Such a simple breakage model, calibrated in this way, could be inserted in the complete equations describing CSD-Le., Equation 3 together with a mass balance and appropriate nucleationgrowth rate kinetics.Crystal breakage, classified product removal, and decrease in linear growth rate with crystal size all skew CSD, producing a narrower size range of crystals than would be expected from Equation 1. In practice it might be difficult to distinguish among these three possible factors. The presence of solids classification can be determined by careful sampling of both the crystallizer suspension and discharge, comparing both CSD and total solids content between suspension and discharge samples. Changes in linear growth rate with size can be determined by studying the growth of single crystals in the laboratory or inferred by the absence of the other two factors. Crystal breakage can usually be established from microscopic examination of various screen fractions and from experience with handling the solid phase material-e.g., amount of breakage encountered in screening and/or in standardized crushing tests. Recent work (Austin, 1967) in the area of crushing and grinding indicates that a promising way of independently measuring breakage in a real crystal suspension would be to follow the history of a narrow size range of radioactively tagged crystals. Such direct measurement has obvious advantages over the indirect method of inferring birth and death functions from the over-all affect on CSD, and would allow the formulation of more realistic breakage models. Such refined models, as they become available, can be used to predict CSD using Equation 3, as illustrated in this paper. I t appears to be of interest to extend these CSD calculations, using such experimental or postulated breakage models. An example of the latter case would be the random breakage model, outlined above.
AcknowledgmentThe writer thanks H. Wengrow and B. Fairchild for their help and patience in assisting the writer to adapt Program AMOS to this problem. Free computer time was made available through the University of Florida Computing Center.
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