Two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals, such as graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides, have emerged as a new class of materials with remarkable physical properties 1 . In contrast to graphene, monolayer MoS 2 is a non-centrosymmetric material with a direct energy gap 2-5 . Strong photoluminescence 2,3 , a current on-off ratio exceeding 10 8 in field-effect transistors 6 , and efficient valley and spin control by optical helicity 7-9 have recently been demonstrated in this material. Here we report the spectroscopic identification in doped monolayer MoS 2 of tightly bound negative trions, a quasi-particle composed of two electrons and a hole. These quasiparticles, which can be created with valley and spin polarized holes, have no analogue in other materials. They also possess a large binding energy (~ 20 meV), rendering them significant even at room temperature. Our results open up new avenues both for fundamental studies of many-body interactions and for optoelectronic and valleytronic applications in 2D atomic crystals.The trion binding energy that we observe in monolayer MoS 2 is nearly an order of magnitude larger than that found in conventional quasi-2D systems, such as semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) [10][11][12][13] . This is a consequence of the greatly enhanced Coulomb interactions in monolayer MoS 2 , arising from reduced dielectric screening in gapped 2D crystals and the relatively heavy carrier band masses associated with the Mo d-manifolds 4,5,14 . For an electron density as high as n = 10 11 cm -2 , for instance, the dimensionless interaction parameter r s is ~60 in monolayer MoS 2 (Supplementary Information S1). This value is significantly larger than that for carriers in QWs even at very low doping levels 15 . Monolayer MoS 2 is a strongly interacting system even in the presence of relatively high carrier densities; it thus presents an ideal laboratory for exploring many-body phenomena, such as carrier multiplication and Wigner crystallization 16 .The atomic structure of MoS 2 consists of hexagonal planes of S and Mo atoms in a trigonal prismatic structure (Fig. 1a) 17 . The two sublattices of the hexagonal MoS 2 structure are occupied, respectively, by one Mo and two S atoms (Fig. 1b). Monolayer MoS 2 is a direct gap semiconductor with energy gaps located at the K and K' points of the Brillouin zone (Fig. 1c). Both the highest valence bands and the lowest conduction bands are formed primarily from the Mo d-orbitals 4,17 . The large spin-orbit interaction 2 splits the highest valence bands at the K (K') point by ~ 160 meV 2,3,7,14,18 . The valley and spin (VS) degrees are coupled because of the lack of inversion symmetry in monolayer MoS 2 . As has been recently shown experimentally, this allows optical pumping of a single valley (and spin) with circularly polarized light 7-9 .Here we investigate the optical response of monolayer MoS 2 as a function of carrier density by means of absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. In our investigations we have made use of MoS 2 monolayers p...