The thermodynamic stabilities of various phases of the nitrides of the platinum metal elements are systematically studied using density functional theory. It is shown that for the nitrides of Rh, Pd, Ir and Pt two new crystal structures, in which the metal ions occupy simple tetragonal lattice sites, have lower formation enthalpies at ambient conditions than any previously proposed structures. The region of stability with respect to those structures extends to 17 GPa for PtN2. Calculations show that the PtN2 simple tetragonal structures at this pressure are thermodynamically stable also with respect to phase separation. The fact that the local density and generalized gradient approximations predict different values of the absolute formation enthalpies as well different relative stabilities between simple tetragonal and the pyrite or marcasite structures are further discussed. all these compounds have been shown to be at least metastable at ambient conditions. The resulting crystal structures have been investigated by several groups both experimentally and theoretically [2][3][4][5][6][7][8], and by now consensus has been reached concerning the observed crystal structures and stoichiometry (one metal atom for every nitrogen dimer). PtN 2 and PdN 2 are formed in the pyrite crystal structure, a cubic phase with the metal atoms occupying fcc sites. The nitrogen dimers are centered around the fcc octahedral interstitial sites, oriented in all the four possible 111 directions, such that all the nearest neighbor dimers make an angle of 70.53• with each other. A rotation of dimers such that two pairs point in the [111] and [111] direction, respectively, results in the marcasite structure, the predicted ground state phase of RuN 2 , RhN 2 and OsN 2 [7]. A small lattice distortion of marcasite then yields the monoclinic baddeleyite (CoSb 2 ) structure found in IrN 2 [5,7].The low-pressure phase diagrams of these systems are still not well understood. In particular their degree of thermodynamic stability has only been addressed briefly [3], where it was proposed that the Pt-N compound is only metastable at low pressures. In this work, we address this issue by calculating the formation enthalpies of all the PM nitrides as a function of pressure. We also report the discovery of two new low-energy crystal structures that at low pressures are thermodynamically more stable than any of the crystal phases that have up to now been synthesized experimentally or calculated from theory. To our knowledge, these new crystalline phases have not previously been observed in any other compound.