“…The large body of evidence suggests that secondary interstitial cells arise from the theca interna cells of atretic follicles [Dawson and McCabe, 1951;Guraya and Greenwald, 1964a, b;Guraya, 1973;Malta, 1974], This view has been confirmed in the rat by our own observa tions [Al-Mehdi, 1976], The theory that primary interstitial tissue arises from stromal connective tissue cells has been supported by many workers [Mossman el a i, 1964;Guraya and Greenwald, 1964a, b;Molta et a i, 1971;Deanesly, 1972]. The histochemical findings of Baillie [1966] on developing mouse ovary indicated the differentiation of stromal mesen chymal cells into the primary type of interstitial tissue.…”