Interstitial nephritis and uveitisA nine year old male patient was admited to a metropolitan general hospital at Santiago, Chile, because of unexplained severe anemia (hematocrit 18%) and redness of the right eye. Uveitis was confirmed by ophthalmological examination. Laboratory work up showed an erithrocyte sedimentation rate of 101 mm • h, marked nitrogen retention (BUN 91 mg/dl), creatinine clearance was 9 ml/rnin • 1,73 sq m, serum IgG and IgM immune globulin concentrations were 2,368 mg/dl and 263 mg/dl respectively, over the normal range for age, with almost absent serum IgA and reduced T cell populations. Negative rheumathoid factor, antinuclear antibodies and anti smooth muscle antibodies reactions were obtained, together with normal levels of €3 and C^ fractions of complement and normal urine sediment. Renal biopsy specimen included 25 glomerulae, one of them was wholy sclerotic, another two had periglomerular fibrosis and the remaider showed only slightly increased mesangial matrix. Heavy mononuclear inflammatory interstitial infiltration, with granulomatous structures including giant multinuclear cells as those seen in foreign body reactions ( fig 1) and PAS possitive intraluminal tubular crystals were also observed. In spite of steroidal treatment, which was complicated by an inflammatory brain granuloma that healed in coincidence with parenteral antibiotic therapy, the patient evolved toward chronic renal failure. We think that the available evidence strongly suggests an immunological disorder as a very likely explanation for this case. (Key words: interstitial nephritis, uveitis.)La nefritis intersticial aguda se asocia con infecciones virales, bacterianas o parasitarias; hipersensibilidad a medicamentos (p.e,, antibioticos o antiinflamatorios no esteroidales); sustancias toxicas (compuestos halogenados -entre los que destacan tetracloruro de carbono y cloroformo-, la nafta y otros) o enfermedades en que se presentan alteraciones de la inmunidad (p.e., lupus, artritis reumatoidea). En 1975 Dobrin 1 describio un nuevo sfndrome, en la cual se asocian nefritis intersticial aguda y uveitis. A partir de esa fecha se han descrito mas de 35 casos de este si'ndrome en la literatura internacional. Las edades de estos pacientes fluctuaban entre 10 y 74 afios. En Chile no se ha descrito ningun caso. Presentamos a continuation la historia cli'nica de un paciente con nefritis intersticial aguda y uveitis.
Caso ClinicoPaciente de 9 afios de edad, sexo masculino, cuyos sintomas comenzaron 20 dias antes de su ingreso al 1. Servick) de Pediatria. Hospital Clinico San BorjaArriaran. Unidad de Nefrologia Infantil. 2. Servicio de Anatomia Patologica. 252 hospital, con astenia, adinamia, dolores abdominales vagos y palidez de piel y mucosas, hematocrito (Ht) 18% y nitrogeno ureico sangui'neo (BUN) 83 mg/dl. En los antecedentes destacaba contacto, un mes antes de su hospitalizacion, con un plaguicida organofosforado y un aerosol usado como partidor en frio para motores, compuesto por una nafta liviana tipo hexano y un p...