Literature has consistently cited early childhood interventions as an effective method for mitigating or preventing future delinquency in at-risk children. In this manuscript,we propose an adapted model of Intergenerational Care presenting as a possible intervention strategy for children at risk of delinquency. This model of care draws from programmes that provide formal care and support for older people and young children, with a primary focus on intergenerational interactions that focus on respite day care, community engagement, educational pedagogy across generations and evaluation. Using a specific model of Intergenerational Care, we incorporated three components of existing childhood intervention strategies: preparing for school readiness, promoting social skills with elders and peers, and managing behaviour. While no intervention strategy targeting children at risk of delinquency has made use of intergenerational interactions, the adapted Intergenerational Care model that we propose, with these three components supported by the existing literature, offers a unique and promising approach for preventing future delinquent behaviour in children. Recommendations for longitudinal research are also proposed.
K E Y W O R D Sat-risk children, childhood interventions, delinquency, early intervention, intergenerational care