Standard thermal imaging-based diagnostics as applied to neurologyThermal imaging has long been in use as a prospective diagnostic method in medicine. Infrared cameras are often involved in the diagnostic process to pick up valuable information about blood flow intensity in the peripheral vessels. Infrared thermography-based data allow receiving additional information about the state of microcirculation in tissues in various pathological cases. In practice, the method is applicable to many areas of medicine by virtue of its noninvasiveness and lack of contraindications. In particular, this is especially true to neurology and acute cerebral circulatory disorders. Diagnostic data obtained with the use of thermal imaging allow the physician to examine a functioning of the circulatory system in details and individualize for each patient a personalized treatment program for his rehabilitation after stroke. Infrared thermography, as applied to medicine, is capable of bringing invaluable information about human organism, and this information cannot be performed using any different diagnostic methods. We confirmed this fact for the umpteenth time by the ordinary study of patients suffered by typical aftereffects of the stroke.The well-known dangerous outcomes of a stroke are paralysis and paresis of the extremities. In these cases, a comprehensive standard rehabilitation program does not always lead to improvement. We have developed and tested the non-standard method of complex examination of patients affected by ischemic stroke. The method is based on the simultaneous use of the FPA-based thermal imaging and some additional medical diagnostic means. Our main aim in this work was to assess objectively the results of treatment and rehabilitation of a patient affected by stroke on the base of examination of his microcirculation status in the affected limbs. An integrated approach to the assessment of microcirculatory disorders during rehabilitation after stroke provides an opportunity for a short-time (15-20 minutes) intensive investigation in order to identify the true physiological status of the patient's organism, to determine the level of vascular reactivity and give an objective prognosis on the disease in question.Using the created diagnostic complex we examined 69 patients. The remoteness of their stroke coming varied from 1 month to 5 years with the rehabilitation course term up to 1 month and multiplicity of courses -1-4 per year. After rehabilitation courses, positive dynamics in the neurological status of the patients undergone medical examination using a standard routine procedure occurred in 94% of individuals -64 persons (figure 1a). Improvement of microcirculation in the paretic limbs, according to infrared plethysmography (figure 1b), was registered in 75% (52 patients). Positive dynamics according to laser flowmetry (figure 1c) in the form of improved microcirculation and vessel filling was observed in 70% (50 patients). According to electroneuromyography (in the form of a rise of M-wave) the improvement ...