Date prescribed, Superscription, Inscription, Subscription, Signa poor instructions given, leading to poor compliance and often improper use of the medication. 3 Medication errors (ME) are the abnormal events linked to professional practices, health care products, procedures and have the potential to have long-term negative effects on the life of a patient and systems including administration, prescribing, order communication, product labelling, packaging, nomenclature, compounding, dispensing, distribution, education monitoring and usage. 4 ME occurs commonly among inpatients with adverse events occurring in an estimated 3.70% to 16.60% of hospital admissions. In outpatients, neither the magnitude nor the severity of the consequences of ME has been well defined. 5 Healthcare system has no structured mechanism to monitor drug use. Once a prescription has been written; various elements may interfere between the intended prescription and the drug administration resulting in dose changes, changes in the frequency of administration, and even change the identity of the drug. 3 In Pakistan, approximately 30% of the errors in which the majority are prescribing errors occur during patient hospitalization. 5 The adult patients are at high risk of ME and have, therefore, a great tendency for detrimental and inoperable errors. 6 Among the older people, improper dose (26%) and omission (26%) were the most common types of medication errors. 7,8 Thus, the practices of drug prescription in most of the developing countries i.e. Pakistan are often inappropriate and the need for legislation and registration of these patterns is important to promote prescribing standards. 9