55; 442-443. 5. Fleming A. On a remarkable bacteriolytic element found in tissues and secretions. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 1922; 93; 306-317. 6. Rubio CA, Befrits R. Increased lysozyme expression in gastric biopsies with intestinal metaplasia and pseudopyloric metaplasia. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. 2009; 2; 248-253. 7. Rubio CA, Nesi G. A simple method to demonstrate normal and metaplastic Paneth cells in tissue sections.Sir: Von Recklinghausen, or type 1, neurofibromatosis (NF1) belongs to a group of disorders referred to as phakomatoses, or neurocutaneous syndromes, characterized by disordered growth of ectodermal tissues, thereby primarily involving the skin, nervous system and ⁄ or retina. The most common clinical manifestations are café-au-lait spots, neurofibromas, Lisch nodules, and axillary or inguinal freckling. There is also a high prevalence of benign and malignant neoplasms throughout the body. The incidence of gastrointestinal involvement in NF1 is reported to be 10-25%, the most common associated tumours being gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs), neurofibromas and carcinoid tumours. 1 Much more rarely, epithelial tumours of the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary tracts have been described, as individual case reports, including two individual reports of gastric adenocarcinoma, both described as probable chance associations. 2,3 Here, we describe the first case of the hepatoid variant of gastric adenocarcinoma arising in a patient with NF1, expanding the range of epithelial tumours reported in association with NF1.A 54-year-old man, with an established diagnosis of NF1, presented with a 3-month history of anaemia. Haematological investigations revealed a microcytic anaemia, and liver function test results and the serum a-fetoprotein (AFP) level were normal. Upper gastrointestinal imaging and subsequent endoscopy revealed an ulcerating tumour in the gastric cardia. Multiple perigastric soft tissue masses were also evident on abdominal computed tomography. There was no evidence of distant metastatic disease. Endoscopic biopsies revealed a carcinoma with focal gland formation, and a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was made. Following a course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, an oesophagogastrectomy with lymph node resection was performed.Dissection of the oesophagogastrectomy specimen demonstrated a 40-mm-diameter ulcerating tumour at the gastric cardia, extending to involve the gastrooesophageal junction. Numerous small pale rubbery nodules measuring up to 10 mm in diameter were identified within perigastric fat and on the serosal surface of the stomach, and were macroscopically distinguishable from more fleshy regional lymph nodes. Histology of the primary tumour showed areas of intestinal-type adenocarcinoma comprising approximately 15% of the tumour ( Figure 1A). The remainder of the tumour had a more solid and trabecular architecture ( Figure 1B). Tumour cells were polygonal with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. No bile pigment or hyaline globule formation was evident. There was extensiv...