Content analysis of published accounts of 40 anomalous experiences reported by 16anthropologists allows qualitative evaluationof elements within evolutionary theories pertaining to religion .The analysis supports findings from previous studies indicating that certain anomalous experienceshave cross-culturally consistent features. Narrative and structural features within the anthropologists' accounts coincide with those gathered in northeastern North Carolina and many other areas.The data also reveal the capacity of these episodes to transform belief, supporting an experiential source theory regarding faith in spirits, souls, life after death, and magical abilities.The narratives indicate that anomalous perceptions cause some anthropologists to consider novel theories.This study supports evolutionary explanations for the origin of religion and provides predictions regarding research directionsinanthropology.KCTivorols.anomaiousexpcrienccamii/opo/og* of religion, spiritual healing Comparison of anomalousexperiences reported by professional anthropologists to those of lay people allows evaluation of arguments regarding the relation of these perceptions to religious beliefs. Although the anomalous experiences reported by anthropologists are parallel to those described by lay people, anthropologiststendtointerprettheirperceptionsdifrerently.The present analysiscoincides with prev ious studies which support biological evolutionary theories regarding the origin of religion (d'Aquili, Laughlin, and McManus 1979; d'Aquili and Although some sociologists portray religion as totally a product of culture, studies of twins indicate that religious interests, attitudes, and values have genetic basis (Waller, et al. 1990) .Three Anthropology of Consciousness 13(2):46-60.