Sawϐly larval poisoning (SLP) is an acute hepatotoxicosis documented in livestock in Australia, Denmark and in countries of South America. It is caused by the ingestion of the larval stage of insects of the suborder Symphyta, order Hymenoptera, commonly known as "sawϐly". Three species of sawϐly are reportedly involved in the toxicosis. The insect involved in Australian SLP is Lophyrotoma interrupta (Pergidae), in Denmark the cause of SLP is the ingestion of the larvae Arge pullata (Argidae), and in South American countries documented outbreaks of SLP were caused by the ingestion of yet another sawϐly, Perreyia ϔlavipes (Pergidae). In all geographical areas where it occurred, SLP causes important livestock losses. In cattle, as well as in other affected species, the disease has a short clinical course and in many outbreaks affected cattle can be found dead. When observed, clinical signs include apathy, recumbence, tremors, paddling movements and death in 24-48 hours. Neurological signs such aggressiveness attributable to hepatic encephalopathy are also observed. In cases with a more protracted course icterus and photodermatitis may develop. Gross ϐindings included ascites, petechiae and ecchymosis over serosal surfaces of thoracic and abdominal cavities, and an enlarged liver that displays accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema of the gall bladder wall. Sawϐly larval body fragments and heads are consistently found in the fore stomachs and occasionally abomasum of affected cattle. Main microscopic lesions are restricted to the liver and consist of centrolobular (periacinar) to massive hepatocellular necrosis. In most lobules necrotic areas extended up to the portal triads where only a few viable hepatocytes remain. Mild to moderate lymphocyte necrosis is seen in lymphatic tissues. Cases occur in the winter months when the larval stages of the sawϐly are developing. D-amino acid-containing peptides have been found to be the toxic principle in each sawϐly involved in SLP. The octapeptide lophyrotomin is the major toxin in the in the larvae of Australian and Danish sawϐlies and is present in small amounts in the larvae of South American sawϐly. The heptadecapeptide pergidin is the main toxin in the South American sawϐly while small amounts of pergidin have been found in the other two species of toxic sawϐly. During the winter of 2011 (July-August) four outbreaks of SLP were diagnosed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The ϐindings in those outbreaks are reported here and a brief review of the literature regarding SLP around the world is provided.