Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is complicated by cardiogenic shock (CS) in 7-10% of cases and the mortality rate is about 60-70% [13,16]. Early revascula rization by percutaneous coronary inter vention (PCI) and intensive care includ ing positive inotropic agents, vasopres sors, and circulatory assist devices are routinely used to improve cardiac output and to prevent multiorgan failure [1,5,16]. Intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) is a commonly used mechanical support sys tem for patients with CS [25,33]. Despite intensive therapy, these patients often de velop a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) progressing to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and subsequent death due to multiple or gan failure [6,39]. Identification of these patients in the ICU is clinically important [34]. Previous studies of patients with MODS or sepsis have shown the rele vance of several scoring systems such as the APACHE II [22,42,43] Originalien culation is more complex and laborious. However, a scoring system is only valid for a special group of patients when it has been validated on this group. The objec tive of the present study was to evaluate the predictive value of the APACHE II, APACHE III, Elebute-Stoner, SOFA, and SAPS II scores on mortality, determined on the day of diagnosis/admission of infarctionrelated CS patients and at the point of maximum value.
Inclusion and exclusion criteriaPatients treated with primary PCI for CS secondary to AMI, who required inotro pic and/or vasopressor support despite appropriate volume filling, were includ ed in the study. For the diagnosis of CS, the definitions of Hochman et al. [16] and Reynolds et al. [36] were used. The inclu sion and exclusion criteria are shown in . Tab. 1.
Study designIn this prospective observational study, carried out in a medical intensive care unit of a university hospital from 2004 to 2005, we consecutively enrolled 45 pa tients in CS. Patients underwent regu lar clinical assessment, complete inva sive monitoring, and frequent blood sam pling for laboratory markers. Datasets for the APACHE II, APACHE III, ElebuteStoner, SOFA, and SAPS II scores and for the patient parameters were calcu lated. Written informed consent was ob tained from all patients or their relatives. The trial was approved by the local eth ics committee.
Primary endpointsThe primary endpoint was the value of the initial and the maximum value of the APACHE II, APACHE III, ElebuteStoner, SOFA, and SAPS II scores in pre dicting mortality. Scores were collected at enrollment and then daily for 4 days. Demographic data, admission diagnosis, mechanical ventilation, IABP use, hemo dynamic parameters, survivors, and non survivors were recorded. The APACHE II, APACHE III, Elebute-Stoner, SOFA, and SAPS II scores were determined by the worst value found during the initial 24 h after ICU admission and also by the max imum value during the following 96 h.A flowchart of the study is shown in . Fig. 1.
Coronary angiography and PCICoronary angiography and PCI were per formed using...