A protocol with postoperative adjuvant intraarterial (ia) chemotherapy using nimustine (ACNU) was followed at the University of Dusseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) after histologic confirmation of malignant glioma of the brain. The first iaACNU procedure was performed within 10 days of surgery, and immediately before postoperative irradiation. After radiotherapy further iaACNU courses were given. The study population consisted of 35 primarily treated malignant gliomas World Health Organization (WHO) Grade IV, i.e., glioblastomas (NIv). Of these tumors 11 showed early progressive disease (PD) (NIV whereas 24 had stable or responsive disease (Nlv SDBm). Seven patients with recurrent malignant gliomas W H O Grade IV (NIv recurrent) were also treated plus six patients with malignant gliomas W H O Grade 111 (NIlr). Experience with 50 treated patients resulted from this study. The median survival time (MST) for the group NIV was 14.2 months; 41.0% of patients were long-term survivors. The MST for the group NIv primPD was 7.8 months; 9.1% of patients were long-term survivors. For the group NIv sDaRD a M S T of 18.3 months and 66.7% of long-term survivors were determined. Patients with recurrent tumors on this treatment protocol had an additional MST of 6.1 months. The total M S T after first surgery was 16.2 months. The incidence of complications was low. Systemic complications were infrequent or rare. Retinal disturbances were seen in two patients; leukoencephalopathy was not seen in our patients. In 10% of patients cerebral complications were found, which were irreversible in 2% of patients. Complications could not be assigned unequivocally to the nitrosourea. These results compare favorably with what is reported in the literature, demonstrate the potential value of iaACNU in the treatment of malignant gliomas W H O Grade IV, and should encourage the initiation of a randomized clinical trial of adjuvant iaACNU in the therapy of these tumors. The authors propose iaACNU as a valuable approach in the management of primarily diagnosed malignant gliomas W H O Grade IV, but cannot recommend the delay of iaACNU until the recurrence of a brain tumor. Cancer 64:1984-1994, 1989. HE PROGNOSIS for patients with malignant gliomas large randomized controlled clinical trials by the Brain T of the brain is still very poor, despite intensive basic Tumor Study Group (BTSG).7.8 These same studies iis and clinical research on the treatment of these tu-well as others showed a positive effect of chemotherapy mors.Ie4 The mainstay of the management of malignant on the course of the disease too, although the increase in cerebral gliomas certainly is surgical excision and post-median survival time (MST) and in the proportion of operative r a d i ~ t h e r a p y. ~ ~ ~ This has been demonstrated in long-term survivors remained relatively m o d e ~ t. ~-~ Other