Abstract.We show that time correlation between electrons requires that the Dyson time ordering operator, T, differs from its uncorrelated value and spatial electron-electron correlation be present. In this paper we decompose T into an uncorrelated term, T unc , plus a correlated term, T cor = T -T unc , which leads to time correlation in time dependent external interactions. Effects of time correlation between electrons can be observed. Two examples are presented. In transfer ionization the time correlation operator incoherently changes the shape of an electron-electron Thomas peak. In double excitation the influence of T cor in amplitudes for coherently interfering pathways changes resonance intensities and profiles.Understanding how electrons communicate about time requires ideas about both correlation and time. The mechanism for electrons to interact is the electron-electron Coulomb interaction, which is the source of spatial electron correlation (1). Without this spatial correlation the electrons are independent and cannot communicate. Time is often regarded as a parameter common to both the Schrodingerwave and Newtonian-particle equations. However, the way in which time operates is quite different in the wave and particle limits. In the quantum wave limit of broad delocalized wavepackets, operators for time are difficult to define (2), as reflected in Pauli's remark (3) that it is "impossible to find a self adjoint (local) time operator conjugate to any Hamiltonian with a bound spectrum (such as an atom)". Fortunately the mathematics of quantum mechanics is straightforward. The concept of time correlation has been used in non-equilibrium statistical quantum mechanics, where it is similar to spatial correlation (4, 5).In this paper for the first time we specifically address the question of how time correlation between electrons affects cross sections for two electron transitions. The key conceptual tools of this paper are temporal correlation of the external interactions and spatial correlation between electrons. Both are required for time correlation between electrons. We give two examples in which time correlation between electrons plays an observable role in atomic reaction cross sections. The first case is a kinematic peak in a reaction in which electron transfer and ionization both occur. In this case time correlated and time uncorrelated amplitudes add incoherently. The second case is double electron excitation, where coherent reaction pathways interfere. In the second case time correlation between electrons produces a large observable effect on both the shape and intensity of a double excitation resonance.In general, time correlation in many-body systems is basic to understanding timing among subsystems, cause and effect, dynamic control, and information processing. Transmission of information in multielectron quantum systems depends on how electrons are correlated in time. Control of reaction pathways in chemical and biological reactions (6,7,8), application of fast atomic switching (9), time depende...