The increasing reliance on commercial income in the nonprofit sector (“nonprofit commercialization”) in various countries has become a highly contested topic. In recent years, Chinese nonprofits have also paid growing attention to commercial activities and revenue. However, empirical studies on the commercialization of Chinese nonprofits are limited. This study conducts the first empirical research to examine the scope and antecedents of nonprofit commercialization in China. Through a nationwide survey of 336 service‐delivery nonprofits (private nonenterprise organizations), the study finds that Chinese nonprofits' overall level of commercialization is modest, but the level varies substantially by organization. Further, informed by resource dependence theory, institutional theory, and organizational ecology theory, the study finds that Chinese nonprofit commercialization is driven by resource insufficiency, government connections, and environmental munificence. These findings extend the literature on nonprofit commercialization with new empirical evidence from a non‐Western, authoritarian context.摘要在许多国家,非营利部门对商业收入的日益依赖已经成为一个备受争议的话题。近年来,中国的非营利组织也开始重视商业活动以及随之带来的服务收入。然而,关于中国非营利组织商业化的实证研究并不多见。本研究首次实证分析了中国非营利组织商业化的规模和驱动因素。根据对全国336家服务性非营利组织(民办非企业单位)的定量分析,本研究发现中国非营利组织的商业化水平总体上是适中的,但是不同组织间的商业化水平存在较大的差异。此外,结合资源依赖理论、制度理论和组织生态学理论,本研究发现,组织内部资源匮乏、一定程度的政治关联和丰沛的外部资源环境是中国非营利组织商业化主要的驱动因素。这些基于非西方、威权国家情境的经验证据拓展了非营利组织商业化的相关文献○