Coupled semiconductor quantum dot (QD) arrays emerged recently as promising structures for the next generation of high efficiency intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), because of their ability to facilitate the formation of minibands. The quantum coupling effect that exists between states in QDs in an array influences the electronic and optical properties of such structures. So far, great experimental and theoretical efforts have been devoted to study the vertically coupled QD arrays. We present here a method based on multi-band k p Hamiltonian combined with periodic boundary conditions, applied to predict the electronic and optical properties of InAs/GaAs QDs-based lateral QD arrays. Formation of the intermediate band (IB) in all cases was achieved via delocalisation of the electron ground state (e0). We show that the IB in a laterally coupled QD-IBSC is more robust against external electric field from the solar cell's pn junction than that in a vertically coupled arrangement. Because of symmetry of the QD array lattice and QD states itself, which are C 2v for the zinc blend QDs, the electronic and absorption structures were obtained via sampling throughout the reciprocal space in the first Brillouin zone of QD arrays.the IB, and the second photon subsequently pumps another electron from the IB to the conduction band (CB). To this end, it is necessary that the IB is half filled with electrons so that it can supply electrons to the CB as well as receive them from the VB. The electron-hole pairs generated in this way add up to the conventionally generated ones by the absorption of a single photon, the third one, pumping an electron from the VB directly to the CB. Therefore, if the quasi-Fermi level separations between bands are sustainable upon external excitation, the photocurrent of the SC, and ultimately its efficiency, is enhanced. According to this concept, increase in photocurrent in IBSC occurs without degradation of the output voltage of the cell. The output voltage is given by the split between the CB's electron and