Optical lattice systems offer the possibility of creating and tuning Dirac points which are present in the tight-binding lattice dispersions. For example, such a behavior can be achieved in the staggered flux lattice or honeycomb type of lattices. Here we focus on the strongly correlated bosonic dynamics in the vicinity of Dirac points. In particular, we investigate bosonic Mott insulator phase in which quasiparticle excitations have a simple particle-hole interpretation. We show that linear response dynamics around Dirac points, can be significantly engineered at least in two ways: by the type of external perturbation or by changing the lattice properties. The key role is played by the interband transitions. Moreover, we explain that the behavior of these transitions is directly connected to different energy scales of the effective hopping amplitudes for particles and holes. Presented in this work theoretical study about tunability of linear response dynamics near the Dirac points can be directly simulated in the optical lattice systems.