(Fig. 1) showed sinus tachycardia, prominent right atrial P waves (15 mm.), and left axis deviation. The QRS complexes in leads I, II, III, CR4, and CR7, respectively measured 8 5, 4 0, 8-0, 12, and 9 mm.(1 cm.=1 mV). Further investigations were: hemoglobin 13 8 g./100 ml.; white blood cell count 9,700 c. mm. with normal differential; E.S.R. 1 mm. in 1 hour (Westergren); plasma albumin 3 5, globulin 2 5 g./100 ml.; thymol turbidity 4 units; zinc sulphate turbidity 4-1 units; serum bilirubin 2-2 mg./100 ml.; alkaline phosphatase 22 KingArmstrong units/100 ml.; prothrombin index between 62 and 76 per cent of normal and not rising after the administration of vitamin Kl. Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 32 units per ml.