The novel phosphorylated pyrrolidine diethyl(2-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)phosphonate (DEPMPH) was evaluated as a 31 P NMR probe of the pH changes associated with ischemia/reperfusion of rat isolated hearts and livers. In vitro titration curves indicated that DEPMPH exhibited a 4-fold larger amplitude of chemical shift variation than inorganic phosphate yielding an enhanced NMR sensitivity in the pH range of 5.0 -7.5 that allowed us to assess pH variations of less than 0.1 pH units. At the non-toxic concentration of 5 mM, DEPMPH distributed into external and cytosolic compartments in both normoxic organs, as assessed by the appearance of two resonance peaks. An additional peak was observed in normoxic and ischemic livers, assigned to DEPMPH in acidic vesicles (pH 5.3-5.6). During severe myocardial ischemia, a third peak corresponding to DEPMPH located in ventricular and atrial cavities appeared (pH 6.9). Mass spectrometry and NMR analyses of perchloric extracts showed that no significant metabolism of DEPMPH occurred in the ischemic liver. Reperfusion with plain buffer resulted in a rapid washout of DEPMPH from both organs. It was concluded that the highly pH-sensitive DEPMPH could be of great interest in noninvasive ex vivo studies of pH gradients that may be involved in many pathological processes.Because of the dependence of the chemical shift of phosphates on pH (1-3), 31 P NMR spectroscopy has progressively become the standard method for the measurement of intracellular pH (pH i ) 1 in biological systems, mostly using inorganic orthophosphate (P i ) as a naturally occurring pH probe (4 -6). Although this technique was first applied to measure pH in a variety of biological fluids, the development of pulsed Fourier transform NMR and wide-bore supraconducting magnets has soon allowed the noninvasive study of cell cultures and isolated perfused organs under physiologic or pathologic conditions. In particular, the use of 31 P NMR has considerably increased our understanding of the dynamics of pH i changes during ischemia-induced acidosis in the heart (7-9) and liver (10, 11). Although P i resonance has been successfully used to describe the main pH i -regulatory systems in these organs (12, 13), more subtle trans-sarcolemmal proton movements that could occur in different pathologies may escape investigation if they are related to extra-and intracellular pH values different by less than 0.2-0.3 pH units (4). In addition to this relative lack of resolution, P i levels vary with cell metabolism, and the chemical shift of P i has been demonstrated to be affected by ionic strength (4 -6).The search for improved exogenous 31 P NMR pH indicators as alternatives to P i yielded a variety of alkyl-and aminoalkylphosphonic acids having their resonance peak distinct from that of phosphorylated metabolites, and an NMR sensitivity ⌬␦ ab (defined as the mean difference between the chemical shifts of the protonated ␦ a and the unprotonated ␦ b forms) in the range of P i (i.e. 2-3 ppm). There have been a number of studies on the in v...