Rat immunogiobulin E (IgE) synthesized in Xenopus laevis oocytes, injected with rat plasmacytoma mRNA, was analysed by specific immunopr~ipitation and SDS-polyacryiamide gel el~trophor~is under reducing as well as non-reducing conditions. The results indicate that the oocytes will translate and correctly process the rat IgE heavy and light chains, resulting in secretion of a correctly assembled, normal immunoglobulin molecule. The normal, extensive glycosyiation of the IgE heavy chain (s-chain) is faithfully carried out by the oocytes; therefore, this posttranslational modification is apparently of an unspecific nature, and does not depend upon a mechanism specific for plasma cells.Immunoglobulin E Glycoprotein Posttranslationalprotein processing (Rat plasmacytoma, Xenopus laevis oocyte)