Intracellular pH (pHi) was measured during the circadian cycle of Neurospora. Internal pH of Neurospora cultures in liquid medium was assayed by the 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione method and gave values for pHi which were similar to those previously obtained by other workers using pH-microelectrodes with agar-grown cultures. Cytoplasmic pH changed in liquid medium cultures, but these changes were not related to the circadian clock. Furthermore, treatments which raise or lower pHi do not phase-shift the circadian rhythm. These results indicate that pHi plays no specific role in regulating the circadian clock of Neurospora.Circadian rhythms modulate an enormous variety of biological phenomena and have interested biologists ever since the first observations by De Mairan (5). Despite energetic efforts within the past 25 years to reveal the mechanism of the biological 'clock,' however, little has been discovered about its cellular basis (14). For example, circadian oscillations in the activity of many enzymes have been reported, but each of these appears to be a clockcontrolled parameter (a 'hand of the clock') rather than a component of the 'clockworks.'A reasonable approach to track down the mechanism of the clock would be to identify intracellular parameters which (a) affect the activity of other cellular processes and (b) fluctuate rhythmically in phase with the clock. Such parameters could function as synchronizers or 'coupling factors' between the clock and the processes it controls. It is conceivable that the clockworks itself could then be discerned by tracing backwards the pathways by which these hypothetical parameters are regulated.I decided to test whether pHi' might qualify as such a coupling factor to the clock. pHi is certainly capable of affecting the activity of many cellular processes (25) and has been implicated in the metabolic control of many types of cellular activity, including fertilization (8), germination (29), cell division (1 1, 13), and mitotic activation (12).In addition, a number of studies suggest that pHi might specifically be involved in the clockworks. First, two multicellular organisms show daily rhythms of their pHo (coelomic): the cockroach Leucophaea maderae (20) and the sea-pen Cavernularia obesa (21). Because the pHi and pHo of multicellular organisms are often regulated so that the pH difference between them remains constant (23), the observation that pHo is rhythmic suggests that pHi might be cyclic as well. In fact, subsequent work on the sea-pen has shown that the injection of acidic sea water into 'Abbreviations: pHi, intracellular pH; pH,, extracellular pH; pan, pantothenic acid; DMO, 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione; LL, constant light (500 lux); DD, constant darkness; T, period of the circadian rhythm.the coelom causes a phase-shift of the rhythm (15), indicating that pH can exert a feedback effect on the clock.Second, temperature changes are known to phase-shift rhythms (for Neurospora, see Ref. 9) and to perturb pHi (23). Thus, temperature changes might ...