The sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) is critical for sequestering cytosolic calcium into the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum (SR) and regulating cardiac muscle relaxation. Protein-protein interactions indicated that it exists in complex with Ca 2؉ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and its anchoring protein ␣KAP. Confocal imaging of isolated cardiomyocytes revealed the colocalization of CAMKII and ␣KAP with SERCA2a at the SR. Deletion analysis indicated that SERCA2a and CaMKII bind to different regions in the association domain of ␣KAP but not with each other. Although deletion of the putative N-terminal hydrophobic amino acid stretch in ␣KAP prevented its membrane targeting, it did not influence binding to SERCA2a or CaMKII. Both CaMKII␦ C and the novel CaMKII 4 isoforms were found to exist in complex with ␣KAP and SERCA2a at the SR and were able to phosphorylate Thr-17 on phospholamban (PLN), an accessory subunit and known regulator of SERCA2a activity. Interestingly, the presence of ␣KAP was also found to significantly modulate the Ca 2؉ /calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of Thr-17 on PLN. These data demonstrate that ␣KAP exhibits a novel interaction with SERCA2a and may serve to spatially position CaMKII isoforms at the SR and to uniquely modulate the phosphorylation of PLN.The phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle is critical for controlling a diverse series of signaling processes in cell biology (1, 2). Specificity of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation event is in part achieved by selective employment of a protein kinase/phosphatase cascade and subcellular targeting (1, 2). Both spatial and temporal specificity of signaling events is achieved by the compartmentalization of the signaling complexes through adaptor or anchoring proteins (1, 2). Recent studies have highlighted novel aspects of integrating spatially and temporally the cAMP signaling cascades via a diverse family of protein kinase A anchoring proteins (AKAPs) 2 (3). TheAKAPs are responsible for positioning the signaling complex via protein-protein interactions for effective and time-sensitive compartmentalization of the cAMP signal (4). Although the intracellular targeting of protein kinase A to the effectors is being unraveled, little is known about the targeting of CaMKII activity, which is ubiquitously expressed and serves important roles in calcium signaling to guide synaptic transmission (2, 5, 6), gene transcription (7), cell growth (8), and excitation-contraction coupling (9 -11). Although four different isoforms of CaMKII (␣, , ␦, and ␥) are expressed in a tissuespecific manner, cardiac tissue is shown to have predominance of CaMKII␦ C (cytosolic) and CaMKII␦ B (nuclear) isoforms, which serve roles in excitation-contraction coupling and cell growth, respectively (7, 12). Studies have also revealed a significant level of a muscle-specific CaMKII  isoform (CaMKII 4 ) in skeletal and cardiac muscle (11,(13)(14)(15). In addition, the CAMK2A gene that encodes CaMKII␣ kinase in brain expresses an al...