NMs, SiO 2 -based NMs, lipid-based NMs, polymer-based NMs, polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based NMs, and other types NMs. Alternatively, according to the physical and chemical properties of NMs, they can be classified into soft NMs, referring to lipidor polymer-based NMs, and hard NMs such as mental-or carbon-based NMs.With the development of nanotechnology, these materials have been widely applied in various fields. [3] For example, ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) can serve as antimicrobial agents; [4] TiO 2 NPs are used in sunscreen lotions; [5] lipid/polymeric-based NPs are applied in drug/gene delivery; [6] QDs are used as florescent probes; [7] and magnetic NPs are applied in magnetic resonance imaging. [8] The NMs not only effectively enhance cellular and subcellular targeting of drugs and the effect of imaging, but also rise the attention on the importance of affirming the effect of NMs on biological systems. It has been recognized that NMs are capable of modulating autophagy. The modulation of NMs on autophagy may be beneficial, since the combinative effect of the NMs' features and autophagy functions is capable of enhancing the accuracy of diagnosis and efficiency of therapies. For example, AgNPs could be a fascinating tool in infections and antimicrobial immunity in that the NM-phagy can modulate the antiviral/antibacterial defenses. [9] In this process, AgNPs lead to the disorganization of mitochondrial network and contribute to the modulation of autophagy (both Rab9-dependent alternative autophagy and Atg-5-dependent classical autophagy) by blocking the autophagic flux. Additionally, AgNPs can reduce the production of CCL-5 and interferon (IFN)-ÎČ in influenza-infected cells through the Rab9-dependent alternative autophagy.Autophagy, a "self-digestion" biological process of cellular degradation, is induced when cells are subjected to unfavorable factors, including starvation or drug treatments, accumulation of the damaged organelles, and misfolded proteins. The autophagic process refers to the cargo encompassed into autophagosome and delivery of cargo to lysosomes to degrade and to release macromolecules back into the cytosol. [10] If the "self-digestion" gets out of control, the autophagy dysfunction, including excessive autophagy induction or suppression of autophagy flux, will induce serious diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, immunological diseases, innate turbulence, and even cell death. [11] Therefore, autophagy is Nanomaterials (NMs) are comprehensively applied in biomedicine due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Autophagy, as an evolutionarily conserved cellular quality control process, is closely associated with the effect of NMs on cells. In this review, the recent advances in NM-induced/ inhibited autophagy (NM-phagy) are summarized, with an aim to present a comprehensive description of the mechanisms of NM-phagy from the perspective of internalization, activation, and termination, thereby bridging autophagy and nanomaterials. Several possible mechanisms are extensively ...