Abstract. The spatial locations of brain activation related to self-paced repetitive movements, i.e., writing simple dots, were studied using event-related fMRI. Ten healthy right-handed subjects were scanned while performing the protocol with self-paced repetitive movement. In a protocol with self-paced dot writing, we observed significant activation in regions known to participate in motor control: Contralateral to the movement in the primary sensorimotor and supramarginal cortices, the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the underlying cingulate, and, to a lesser extent, the sensorimotor region ipsilateral to the writing hand. When the fMRI was compared with the map of the brain areas electrically active with self-paced movements (intracerebral recordings; Rektor et al., 1994Rektor et al., , 1998Rektor et al., , 2001Rektor et al., , b, c, 2003, there was an evident overlap of most results. Nevertheless, the electrophysiological studies were more sensitive in uncovering small active areas, i.e., in the premotor and prefrontal cortices. The Bereitschafspotential (BP) with Movement Accompanying Potential (MAP) and hemodynamic changes overlap in regions where the BP were displayed consistently. In some other regions, the BP recordings were inconsistent, i.e., in the prefrontal cortex, where about half of the contacts displayed BP generators while the other half did not. In these regions the hemodynamic changes were not significant. The spatial limitations of the intracerebral electrodes is a result of the fact that the electrodes are submerged in the cerebral tissue and record in their immediate vicinity. The fMRI that indirectly measures activity of larger populations of neurons has better spatial resolution. Electrophysiological techniques with intracranial recordings may reveal even subtle generators of electrical activity.