considerada total em três casos, subtotal em um, e parcial no paciente restante. Em um seguimento ambulatorial, que variou de 16 meses a 14 anos, apenas um caso apresenta ainda alterações na esfera cognitiva. Cisto colóide, terceiro ventrículo, via transcalosa, endoscopia.
Colloid cyst of the third ventricle. Experience with 24 cases and review of literatureThe authors retrospectively studied 24 patients with colloid cyst of the third ventricle and a scrutiny review of the literature. was done. The age range varied from 13 up to 58 years (median 34.2 years), with 10 males (41.6%) and 14 females (58.3%). The decades most frequently involved were the 3 rd and the 5 th . Among the symptoms, headache was the most common complaint (83.3%), usually related to the increase of intracranial pressure due to obstructive hydrocephalus. Papilledema was present in 45.9%. Cysts were incidentally discovered in two cases. Diagnosis was performed by CT (23 cases) and MRI (ten cases). The CT images showed spontaneous hyperdense lesion in 95% of cases. A large variety of signs was present on MRI findings, but hyperintensity on T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weight ed images were the most common aspects (40%). Ventricular dilatation ocurred in 87% of cases. Autopsy discloseda cyst in one case. Surgical treatment was performed in 23 cases and included three different kinds of procedures. In seven cases, shunt was the initial management, but in two of them it was the unique and definitive treatment. In 16 cases, craniotomy was carried out, with transcallosal approach in 14 and transcorticaltransventricular in two. Surgical complications in this method included venous infarcion and hematoma (two cases) and BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura 1 BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura FIGURA 5 RM corte axial: cisto colóide com imagem hiperintensa em T1 e hipointensa em T2. BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura BRAGA OAP, ZIMBERG ST, BRAGA FM -Cisto colóide do terceiro ventrículo. J Bras Neurocirurg 12(2): 69-83, 2001 Experiência de 24 casos e revisão da literatura