“…The tumor tissue was characterized histologically by lobules composed of typical physaliphorous cells with abundantly vacuolated cytoplasm. Histological examination of the speci- 3) 57, M prepontine autopsy none Mathews and Wilson (1974) 11) 41, M intrasellar surgical findings subtotal Stam and Kamphorst (1982) 14) 75, M prepontine autopsy none Mapstone et al (1983) 10) 26, M prepontine MR imaging/surgery subtotal Vaquero et al (1983) 16) 39, F suprasellar surgery total Yuhi et al (1986) 20) 28, M prepontine CT cisternogram ND Katayama et al (1991) 8) 30, F foramen magnum MR imaging/surgery total Warnick et al (1991) 18) 58, M tentorium CT/surgery subtotal Hardie (1992) 7) 28, F prepontine MR imaging/surgery ND Tashiro et al (1994) 15) 56, F prepontine CT/MR imaging/surgery ND Wanibuchi et al (1994) 17) 54, M suprasellar CT/surgery total Nishigaya et al (1998) 12) 56, M prepontine MR imaging/surgery subtotal Korinth et al (1999) 9) 48, F ponto-cerebellar MR imaging/surgery subtotal Danilewicz et al (2000) 5) 19, F prepontine CT/surgery total Dow et al (2003) 6) 9, F cerebellar MR imaging/surgery total Present study 63, M prepontine CT/MR imaging/surgery total CT: computed tomography, MR: magnetic resonance, ND: not described.…”