The cosmic infrared background (CIB) contains emissions accumulated over the entire history of the Universe, including from objects inaccessible to individual telescopic studies. The near-IR (∼ 1 − 10 µm) part of the CIB, and its fluctuations, reflects emissions from nucleosynthetic sources and gravitationally accreting black holes (BHs). If known galaxies are removed to sufficient depths the source-subtracted CIB fluctuations at near-IR can reveal sources present in the first-stars-era and possibly new stellar populations at more recent times. This review discusses the recent progress in this newly emerging field which identified, with new data and methodology, significant source-subtracted CIB fluctuations substantially in excess of what can be produced by remaining known galaxies. The CIB fluctuations further appear coherent with unresolved cosmic X-ray background (CXB) indicating a very high fraction of BHs among the new sources producing the CIB fluctuations. These observations have led to intensive theoretical efforts to explain the measurements and their properties. While current experimental configurations have limitations in decisively probing these theories, their potentially remarkable implications will be tested in the upcoming CIB measurements with the ESA's Euclid dark energy mission. We describe the goals and methodologies of LIBRAE (Looking at Infrared Background Radiation with Euclid), a NASA-selected project for CIB science with Euclid, which has the potential for transforming the field into a new area of precision cosmology. * Alexander.; Code 665, Observational Cosmology Lab, E. Probing IGM at pre-reionization: CMB-CIB crosspower 48 F. History of emissions from Lyman tomography 49 G. Probing BAOs and dark energy at 10 < z < 16 50 H. LIBRAE summary 51 VIII. Other forthcoming experimental configurations 52 IX. Outlook for the future 53 X. Appendix: acronyms and abbreviations 54 XI. Acknowledgments 54 References 55 4π c I ν /h Planck = 0.63 Iν MJy/sr cm −3 . For comparison the CMB photons are orders-of-magnitude more abundant with n CMB = 413 cm −3 .CMB observations established the flat geometry of the Universe. We will thus adopt the Friedman-Robertson-Walker flat metric for the Universe with the interval given by dsω are the redshift, comoving coordinate distance, cosmic time, and solid angle. Photons move along null geodesics, ds 2 = 0. The Friedman equations with the matter, dark energy (Λ), radiation/relativistic component and curvature density parameters Ω m , Ω Λ , Ω γ , Ω K lead to c(1 + z)dt/dz = R H /E(z), where E(z) ≡ [Ω γ (1 + z) 4 + Ω m (1 + z) 3 + Ω K (1 + z) 2 + Ω Λ f (z)] 1/2 with f (z) describing the evolution of DE and R H ≡ cH −1 0 . The Hubble constant is H(z) = H 0 E(z) and the distance measures become: the coordinate distance x(z) = c (1 + z)dt = R H z 0 dz/E(z), the comoving angular di-Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer -imaging arrays AEGIS XD All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey -X-ray, deep AGB Asymptotic giant branch AKARI A Japane...