Controversy exists about the conditions effecting the development of FOXP3 expressing T cells and their relevance in transplant recipients.
We generated CFSE-labeled CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ cells in MLRs (‘the Treg MLR’), with varying HLA disparities and cell components. Five color flow cytometry and 3H TdR uptakes were the readouts.
1) Despite lower Stimulation Indices (SI) than 2 DR-mismatched MLRs, 2 DR-matched MLRs generated >2 fold higher percentages when gating on proliferating CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ cells; 2) Even with low numbers of proliferating cells, autologous and HLA identical MLRs generated the highest FOXP3+ : FOXP3- cell ratios; 3) Elimination of either non-CD3+ responding cells (resulting in ‘direct presentation’ only) or responding CD25+ (Treg generating) cells increased the SI but inhibited proliferating CD4+CD25HighFOXP3+ cell development; 4) MLR-generated CD4+CD25HighFOXP3+ cells added as third components specifically inhibited the same freshly set MLR SI and caused recruitment of new CD4+CD25HighFOXP3+ cells. As an example of the ‘Treg MLR’ immune monitoring potential, addition of third component PBMC containing high percentages of CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ cells from an HLA identical kidney transplant recipient (in a tolerance protocol) caused donor-specific Treg MLR inhibition/recruitment. This was similar to the third component MLR Tregs generated entirely in vitro.
In the ‘Treg MLR’, the generation of CD4+CD25High FOXP3+ cells is more pronounced in the context of self-recognition (HLA matching, indirect presentation). These cells can be assayed for MLR inhibitory and Treg recruitment functions, so as to immunologically monitor allo-specific regulation after transplantation.