To investigate the decision making underlying transfer of children with respiratory failure from Level II to Level I pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) care.
Interviews with 19 eligible Level II PICU physicians about a hypothetical scenario of a 2 year old girl in respiratory failure:
Ventilator settings: rate 25, peak inspiratory pressure 28, positive end-expiratory pressure 8, fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) 100%.
Escalation Point (EP) 1
After 8 hours. Higher ventilator settings; oxygenation index (OI) 32.
EP 2
Three hours later. OI 40.
At baseline, indices critical to management were: OI (53%), PaO2: FIO2 [P/F] (32%), and inflation pressure (16%). Poor clinical response was signified by high OI, inflation pressure, and FIO2; and low P/F. At EP 1, 18/19 respondents would initiate high frequency oscillatory ventilation–HFOV, and one would transfer. At EP 2, 15/18 respondents would maintain HFOV, 9 of them calling to discuss transfer. All respondents would transfer if escalated therapies failed to reverse the patient’s clinical deterioration.
Interhospital transfer of children in respiratory failure is triggered by poor response to escalation of locally available care modalities. This finding provides new insight into decision-making underlying interhospital transfer of children with respiratory failure.