“…Many of the molecules present on the surface of early spermatogenic cells are lost, modified, or replaced by newly synthesizcd cellsurface components or substances secreted by the epididy-ma1 cells [2,7,14,161. The functional role of these surface changes remains hypothetical, although it has been shown that the cell-membrane modifications involve both the protein, carbohydrate, and lipid moieties [lo, 19, 201. The changes in the carbohydrate moieties of the cell surface during epididymal passage of spermatozoa has been studied immunohistochemically with polyclonal [21,231 and monoclonal antibodies [5, 7, 8, 171. Valuable data have also been collected using lectin probes [3,15,18,22,241 for either visualization or structural analysis of cell-surface components. However, there are, as yet, no systematic studies of the cell-surface changes that occur in spermatogene-…”