Studies on transglutaminases usually focus on the polymerization of protein substrates by intermolecular N (␥-glutamyl)lysine bridges, without considering the possibility that the monomeric protein units, themselves, could also become crosslinked internally. Both types of crosslinks are produced in the reaction of fibrinogen with red cell transglutaminase. We isolated the transglutaminase-modified, mostly monomeric form (92-96%) of fibrinogen with a N (␥-glutamyl)lysine content of Ϸ1.6 moles͞mole of fibrinogen. The preparation was fully clottable by thrombin, but the rates of release of fibrinopeptides and clotting times were delayed compared with control. Hybrid A␣⅐␥ type of crosslinking, the hallmark of the reaction of the transglutaminase with fibrinogen, occurred by bridging the A␣(408 -421) chain segment of the protein to that of ␥(392-406). Rotary shadowed electron microscope images showed many monomers to be bent, and the crosslinks seemed to bind the otherwise flexible ␣C domain closer to the backbone of fibrinogen.
After its assembly into a clot, fibrin is crosslinked by coagulation factor XIIIa ca. 10ϫ faster than fibrinogen in solution (1, 2). Moreover, the conversion of the factor XIII zymogen to XIIIa is tightly controlled by the rate of fibrin formation (3-5); hence, in the clotting of plasma, the parent fibrinogen molecule does not normally participate to an appreciable extent in the crosslinking reaction. Fibrinogen, however, is a significant substrate for tissue transglutaminases (TG) (EC, which could be released from red cells at wound sites or in thrombi, from dying endothelial cells in atherosclerotic plaques, or from spreading tumor cells. These TG react with fibrinogen quite differently from factor XIIIa. The latter functions as a processive enzyme, moving along the preassembled fibrin filaments in the gel phase without being released into the clot liquor and thus without much effect on fibrinogen. It reacts rapidly with the ␥ chain sites and much more slowly on reaching the ␣ chain sites of the protein (6), giving rise to homologous intermolecular ␥⅐␥ and ␣ n chain combinations between the fibrin units (7). Under forced conditions, however, similar ␥⅐␥ and A␣ n crosslinking can also be achieved with fibrinogen. In contrast, TG reacts quite readily with fibrinogen in the soluble phase, generating A␣ p ⅐␥ q type of crosslinked, intermolecular chain combinations (8, 9) as well as A␣⅐␥ crosslinking within the monomeric fibrinogen units:[A␣B␥] 2 , themselves (10). We have now investigated in greater detail this latter mode of crosslinking of fibrinogen and identified regions of the molecule that are involved in the reactions of its A␣ and ␥ chains with the red cell TG.
Materials and MethodsIsolation of Internally Crosslinked Fibrinogen. Human erythrocyte transglutaminase was purified by affinity chromatography with a fibronectin fragment as fixed ligand, according to procedures described previously (11, 12). Human fibrinogen was prepared, and crosslinking with TG was carried out esse...