Fredersdorf, M.; Göstl, R.; Kolmer, A.; Schmidts, V.; Monecke, P.; Hecht, S.; Thiele, C.M.
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Citation for published version (APA):Fredersdorf, M., Göstl, R., Kolmer, A., Schmidts, V., Monecke, P., Hecht, S., & Thiele, C. M. (2015). Exploring the conformational space of bridge-substituted dithienylcyclopentenes. Chemistry -A European Journal, 21(41), 14545-14554. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201501842
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. [a, b] Robert Gçstl, [c, d] Andreas Kolmer, [a] VolkerS chmidts, [a] Peter Monecke, [b] StefanH echt,* [c] and ChristinaM.T hiele* [a] Abstract: Stimuli responsive compounds and materials are of high interesti ns ynthetic chemistry and materials science, with light being the most intriguing stimulus due to the possibility to remote control the physicochemical properties of am olecule or am aterial. There is ac onstant quest to design photoswitches with improveds witchinge fficiency and especially diarylethene-type switches promise photo cyclization quantum yields up to unity.H owever,o nly limited attention has been paid towards the influence of the solution conformationo nt he switchinge fficiency.H ere, we describe ad etailed NMR spectroscopic investigation on the conformational distribution of bridge-substituted dithienylcyclopentenes in solution.W ec ould discriminate between several photoactive and photoinactive as well as two diastereomorphous conformationsa nd show that the trends observed in the switching efficiencym atch the conformer populations obtainedf rom state of the a...