Nuclear magnetic resonance studies on the conformational dynamics of the pentapeptide H-Tyr-Gly-GlyPhe-Met-OH are reported. This peptide, for which the generic trivial name "methionine-enkephalin" has been suggested, is pharmacologically active as a ligand for the mammalian opiate receptor(s). The content. Amino acid sequence was determined and the material was bioassayed (5) with results identical to those of Hughes et al. (1). Details of all these procedures will appear elsewhere.NMR spectra were taken using the JEOL-PFT-100 NMR spectrometer of the New England Area Research Resource. The data presented below represent a total spectrometer usage time of 626 hr. Proton spectra were taken at 100 MHz in 5-mm tubes at a concentration of 73 mM in perdeuterodimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO-d6) (100.0%) and D20 (99.9%) and 62 mM in 80% H20:20% D20 [using water resonance supression (6)]. Carbon-iS spectra were taken at 25.15 MHz in 10-mm tubes at a concentration of 37 mM in Me2SO-d4 and D20. In all samples used for relaxation studies, dissolved oxygen gas was removed by four freeze-pump-thaw cycles, and EDTA (about 10-4 M) was added to suppress effects of possible paramagnetic impurities. Measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation times T, were made with the 180°-T-90' sequence, with equilibrium spectra taken periodically and rest times between sequences of at least 3.9 times the longest relaxation time under observation. A total of 8192 data points was taken, and the automatic advance and disc storage facilities of the spectrometer were used. For certain spectra use was made of the fact that carbon and proton relaxation times within the molecule, or between molecule and solvent, differ considerably. Thus, by proper choice of pulse sequences, spectra (rather than relaxation times) could be taken by nulling out, or inverting, unwanted signals