Abstract:The doublyd eprotonated form L 2À of indigo = H 2 L can bind two [Ru(acac) 2 ]c omplex fragments in the cis (1) and trans configuration (2), as evidenced from crystal structure analysis. While the latter type of N,O;N ' ,O ' coordination has been observed earlier,f or example, with [Ru(bpy) 2 ] 2 + , leading to two equivalent six-membered ring chelates, the cis arrangementi n1 is observed here fort he first time in a dinuclear complex, producing one five-membered ring chelate with N,N ' coordination and one seven-membered chelate with O,O ' coordination.T he different structures of the isomersr esult in differing electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical (EPR, UV-Vis-NIR) responses for variousa ccessible charges tates 1 n and 2 n , n = -, 0, + ,2+ .T he associated electronic structures were analyzed by DFT( structures, spin density) and TD-DFT calculations (electronic transitions),r evealing mainly metal-based reduction but largely indigo ligand-based oxidation of both neutralprecursors.