Since Richter (1813) who for the first time reported a case of anterior floor meningoencephalocele (MEC), several authors theorized its etiology and pathogenesis, describing the clinical conditions with details, suggesting therapeutic measures. This paper's purpose is to describe our surgical treatment experience in five patients using the extradural intracranial pathway, comparing the results to those mentioned in the literature and other six cases, operated in the same surgical department using different techniques.
CASUISTIC AND RESULTSThe treatment of eleven patients with anterior floor MEC is analysed (Table 1) The surgical technique used in the last five cases consisted of: bifrontal craniotomy following a coronary excision of the skull, reaching the MEC bv extradural approach. After lifting both frontal lobe it could be noticed the duramater and herniated encephalic parenchyma, the periosteum removed from the craniotomy bone flap was grafted, with the purpose of making the dural defect the most possibly impermeable. Following, the cerebral tissue invaginated in the bone defect was excised, placing the bone graft removed from the craniotomy flap and temporal muscles pieces trying to make tamponment of the entire abnormal opening. Afterwards a recomposition was made of the several surgical layers.