“…2 The most common sites of aortic injury include ascending aortic cannulation site, cross-clamp site, the site of the partialocclusion clamp, the proximal anastomosis site, antegrade cardioplegia cannulation site, and axillary artery cannulation site. 2 Additionally, older age, hypertension, aortic trauma, aortic instrumentation, severe atherosclerotic disease of the aorta, family history of aortic aneurysm/dissection, arteritis, a thin or dilated ascending aorta, or collagen vascular diseases are among numerous risk factors predisposing patients to intraoperative aortic injury. The patient in this case was at a higher risk of aortic injury, given her age, hypertension, thinwalled mildly dilated ascending aorta, and the type of surgery in which aortic instrumentation was mandatory for cannula and cross-clamp placement.…”