Certaih systemic cenditions and/or defects in tlile irmmume sy,stem may JDt:edisJ!)Qse tliie host to oral candielal infecti0n and tliie commenest ferm of oral 1 cam~ielosis is candida-associatecl tilernture stomatitis.IJntil recently tliier-e has been cemtrev.ersy coneerrniAg 1 t!;le aeti010!iJY of the disease. Althoust:l some ear,lier investigat0rs fimke€l clemture stomatitis witlit trramma or Lflacte~ial infection, 0tt:lers had isolate€! Candida all!Jieams tr.0m the rnewtl;is 0f Ji)atients with tlfle G0Aditi!im. Current stwrnatitis lesiolils ar.e assoeiated witlil tlile cleteetion , ol cal'lli.!il!la species wtiile otlilef factors sueh as dentwre hygiene, trauma, systemic diseases amCil aefi11:ierneies of tfrle immwne s.ysfem may l:>e imvolveeLKe¥ words: Caf'ldida a/J:Jieans, acute pseudemembranous canei~esls. aeete atrepbie camdidosis, eamdit'.la leuk0plakia, cant'.li~a-assoeiated denture stomatftf&, angular cheilitis.