In this report we present studies on optimal regimes for regional IL-2 therapy, focused on dose, schedule and site of injection. Original data obtained in 2 murine tumur models show that all 3 factors are of importance. Anti-tumour responses ware most effective when IL-2 was administered regionally 5 to 10 times. at doses ranglng from 7.000 to 33,000 IU/day every day or every other day. This resulted in cure rates of more than 40% in mice bearing ascitlc tumur that had also disseminated to liver and lungs. The importance of these data is discussed in the light of previous results of our group. These results illustrate that the doses and schedules used in this study are not effective exclusively in these 2 tumour models but may have a more general applicability.o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.The original therapy of tumours with Interleukin-2 (IL-2), introduced by Rosenberg et al. (1985), used systemically applied Lymphokine-activated killer cells (LAK cells; cancer patients' leukocytes incubated with IL-2) and high doses of systemically applied IL-2 to maintain LAK cytotoxicity. (1987) reported that in mice the therapeutic effect of IL-2 has a biphasic optimum, doses of 10-1,000 Units IL-2 and of > 100,000 Units IL-2 per day having a therapeutic effect, whereas no effects were obtained with doses of 1,000-100,000 Units IL-2 per day; (c) regional injections of IL-2, since the main function of IL-2 seems to be stimulation of the tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and local injections of low doses of IL-2 avoid the toxic side-effects observed with high, systemically applied doses of IL-2. A similar approach has been used by other groups (Forni et al., 1987;Bubenik and Indrova, 1987;Vaage, 1987; Dubinett ef al., 1993).We found that large numbers of DBA/2 mice with metastasized SL2 lymphoma comprising 4 1 0 % of the body weight could be cured (Maas et al., 1989(Maas et al., , 1991. In addition, we tested this form of IL-2 therapy in a number of other animal tumour models comprising transplanted lymphomas, mastocytoma, fibrosarcoma, breast cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian carcinoma and bladder carcinoma. Table I shows a complete list of tumour models in which we tested regional injections of low doses of IL-2. A high percentage of tumour-bearing animals were cured among 7/10 tested murine models and ACI rats bearing bladder carcinoma. This therapeutic regime also led to a high percentage of long-lasting or complete remissions in spontaneous bovine ocular squamous-cell carcinoma and exerted a therapeutic regression effect on the bovine vulva1 papilloma/carcinorna complex. Table I thus demonstrates that this form of IL-2 therapy was effective against the majority of the tested models and against a variety of tumour types.We now report experiments in which we try to establish the optimal conditions for this regional IL-2 therapy. The effect of different IL-2 doses, time intervals between doses, the number of doses and the importance of contact between IL-2 and tumour cells were studied in the DBA/2-SL2 lymphoma system and in...